понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.

Modern: Technology and Social Networking Essay

â€Å"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.† – Albert Einstein  © 3.1. INTRODUCTION How are we to obtain the measure of the distance between basic research and the essential technologies of the modern age? Are we in the process of building the bridge that will unite the two domains or is the gulf between them growing wider by the day? Reconciling the interested parties in any definitive way remains difficult as each side can furnish multiple examples to support their perspective on the matter. Perhaps the best illumination can be provided through a retrospective approach that highlights numerous pertinent discoveries and in doing so clear up some of the fog that surrounds the debate. 3.2. BACKGROUND CONDITIONS Modern Technologies have made us complete slaves to machines. There is no work which cannot be done without the assistance of machines and there is not a single area of human activity where machines don’t have to be used. No one can deny the fact that gadgets have not only simplified our lives but also made them more comfortable and luxurious. But on the contrary man’s dependence on them has increased so much that we just cannot do without them at all. If cabs go off the road we cannot reach our destinations. No cooking without LPG cylinder or cooking flame. No, we can’t do even simple calculations, what to talk of washing without washing machine or electricity. If electricity fails, life for each one of us comes to a standstill as all gadgets are operated with it be it AC, TV, computer, a telephone, or any other modern appliance. Perhaps there were times when every work was done with hands be it grinding or travelling far off places. People were tough who could walk for miles and work ceaselessly. In modern times we can’t ascend the stairs without feeling a burden over our stamina. Modern gadgets have completely transformed the human life and health to a great extent. It a fact that machines have become like servants without which life comes to a standstill. Thus we can say that our dependence on modern gadgets has made us complete slaves to machines and that we have lost our spirit to work and vitality, vigor and stamina and therefore no more good health and cheerfulness and endurance prevails. This dependence on machines has transformed the very human psychology. â€Å"All the biggest technological inventions created by man-the airplane, the automobile, the computer- says little with his intelligence, but speaks volume about his laziness† A warm greetings of peace and love ladies and gentlemen We have come to an era where everything inconceivable for the past 50 years has been made possible and actual. Once a dream, now a commodity. Once a prospect, now outdated. Once a thing of imagination, now an item of sensation. We can say that everything, I mean, everything, is now made available and accessible. Modernization takes a great part in the life of people. Effects that these products brought affects every aspect of human life. The effects of these technologies can be bothh positive and negative. Technologies are designed to make man’s life more easier. Technology makes communication more faster and easier. With the modern and improved equipments in our hospitals and other medical facilities, it saves more innocent lives. Transportation is also improved and more faster. Modern technologies are also used for security purposes. Crimes and other cases are easily solved with the help of these gadgets. But did we ever think that it could also destroy and degrades our very own life? Benfits also has its price, while it makes our lives and works easier to deal with, it can also have disturbing impacts to our lives. While some technologies are used in security purposes, some are also used to destroy security and peacefulness in the society. Let’s talk about social networking now. Social networking is rampant these days. I am too have my own facebook account. Social networking helps communication more fasters, but are we aware of news regarding social networking? Man use social networkings to find prospective victims of their selfish desires. I had read news about these in the web. Security of users are not assured and privacy is being invaded. Women are more prone to this kind of schemes. Man is the only living specie with boundless needs, but thankfully, with immeasurable capacity to invent things and satisfy his insatiability. Technology accommodates every human and inhuman want – pampers every fancy of human fiber. Look around. People manipulate the environment to achieve practical goals – goals that respond to their physiological drive. Technology is always about satisfaction, gratification and indulgence; technology is about excess, as in excessive entertainment of human needs. While new technology can provide advances for humanity, it can also have disturbing impacts. Our youth is the most vulnerable to any unfavorable bearing technology may bring. With the flood of modern equipment, gadgets and devices, we are deprived of the basics and fundamentals and essentials of things; we are estranged by sound judgment to determine what is right or wrong, what is appropriate or not, what is effective and not so. With the advent of PlayStation and the likes, who would prefer to gather around grandmother’s cradle and listen to her old-age stories? Who would have the thought of grabbing a book and have the religious habit of reading when internet is inviting? Who would flip pages of encyclopedia if they can just surf at Wikipedia and other educational portals? Gone are the days for serenades – cellular phones radically take over the courtship activity; say goodbye to airmail – electronic mails revolutionize the mailing system.

воскресенье, 29 сентября 2019 г.

Personal Statement: Expo Reading and Writing

I'm not a leader In ASB for the awards or admiration, although I respect those few who do choose to lead for the credibility. I don't lead for the satisfaction, although my never ending smile at the end of a good rally indicates otherwise. I don't lead because I have anything to prove, although I've proven a lot to myself along the way. I lead for the feeling of every student on my campus becoming one, so perfectly matched In school spirit and school pride.I lead to feel the rush of my heart every ime I see a sea of orange and hear the deafening cheer of the crowd. I lead because it Isn't easy to get thousands In a school Involved I lead for the challenge to fill the stands at every rally fill and to fill every seat at any blood drive. I am a leader in ASB to get my message across so know I left a legend when I turn to leave for college. I not only lead for myself, but for my fellow students as well, my family and my equals.Prompt 2 I was working on a school project when I got a call from my dad saying he was coming right away to come pick me up, I remember the sheathing anger I felt arguing hat no he wasnt going to pick me up that I really needed to flnlsh this school project. I still shake my head in dismay knowing the fact I in fact didnt need to finish the project I Just wanted to hang out with my friends. I cant pretend that I didnt sulk my way to my dad's waiting vehicle that I looked at him with a scowl across my face.Nor can I wipe away from my memory the words he said next mfour sister is in the hospital, she's lost her baby and she's asking for you. † This complete wash of emotion that came over me the shame the concern I was mortified with myself. How could I ave been so mad about my Importance when my sister had Just faced a devastating event? Looking up and saying â€Å"Take me to her. † The drive to the hospital was long I sat in a seat of despair. What would I say to my sister? How would I face her? ye never been one to be comfortabl e around sadness; my childhood had been stripped of innocence as I had faced several of my mother's divorces and countless deaths. I had taught myself to be unemotional towards sickness and sorrow for they brought never ending hurt and unmasked truths to lies. Should I cry when I knew my eyes would be dry? Going into my sisters hospital room I looked from her so fragile and upset to my mother's face streaked with tears. My meek voice barely audible above the beeping of many machines â€Å"Hey there. Was it wrong that I felt uncomfortable around all the sickness and gloom that came hand in hand with hospitals, like I could feel the reaper in every corner? All I could do was make Jokes when it wasnt time to laugn, my attempt to Drlng napplness wnere none could De Touna. loucn my sister's hand while asking myself â€Å"Am I doing this right? † My dad wouldn't stop looking at me after we left constantly asking are you alright? Calculating and recording every answer every movemen t I made.Truth is I don't know if I was alright I didn't know if I was allowed to be. My sister has never really been the same since that event, but then again no one else has been either. My mom cherishes us children a little bit more. My sister cherishes those who supported her and held her hand through the situation. And l, well I cherish my family every second of every day. â€Å"Life is fragile†, a saying used in many ways, but one doesn't really know how fragile a life is until youVe been there to see its fragility.

суббота, 28 сентября 2019 г.

Graduated Diplomas for Public School Students Essay

Receiving a high school diploma is a significant right of passage for public school students in the United States. The high school diploma represents the student’s academic accomplishments up to that time. In most cases, students cannot go to college without a high school diploma or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED). The lack of a high school diploma places severe limits on the number of jobs that are available to an individual. However, despite the nearly universal recognition of the importance of obtaining a high school diploma, there is little agreement about what the standard diploma actually means in terms of academic achievement and the accumulation of important skills or knowledge. In order to clarify exactly what students have learned, 33 states have instituted multiple diploma options to high school graduates, including diplomas that indicate honors courses, vocational education, and other distinctions (Johnson, Thurlow, Stout, and Mavis, 63). Some states award different diplomas for students who are enrolled in special education, including honors diplomas, special education diplomas. (Johnson, Thurlow, Cosio, and Bremer 1). Uncertainty of the meaning of a high school diploma is also complicated by the lack of any standardized measurement of academic achievement in many states. In 2007, only 21 states required students to pass a state examination before graduation; 27 states did not have any type of exit exams at all (Johnson, Thurlow, Stout, and Mavis, 63). Consequently, while the standard high school diploma signifies that the student has completed at least the minimum requirements of an academic curriculum, the diploma does gives little indication of what the student has actually learned or any degree of proficiency in the subjects that were taken. States that do not use multiple diplomas could eliminate some of the uncertainty surrounding their graduation requirements by adopting a system of graduated diplomas. When properly constructed, graduated diplomas provide a more accurate reflection of the course work that the student has completed as well as the level of proficiency that the student was able to achieve in those courses. This information could then be used by colleges and employers to determine which applicants are most likely to succeed in their chosen endeavors and which graduates may require additional remediation beyond their high school years. It is true that grades and course work are included in the student’s academic transcript; however, a graduated diploma would convey a greater and more formal recognition of the student’s accomplishments in a way that would not require an employer or university admission’s board to study a detailed transcript and portfolio of student work. Finally, graduated diplomas would encourage those students who are most likely to succeed to push beyond the minimum academic requirements of a standard diploma and to work towards a more challenging academic curriculum for which they would receive appropriate recognition and rewards. Public schools should adopt graduated diplomas which better reflect actual student achievement. Standard high school diplomas are such poor indicators of an applicant’s potential for success that they mean little to many potential employers beyond a confirmation that the applicant was able to complete high school (Hartwig and Sitlington 11). Even this slight distinction, however, is still important to employers. Hartwig and Sitlington (12) found that employers who were considering hiring applicants who were enrolled in special education programs prior to their graduation were more likely to consider applicants who received a standard diploma than they were to consider applicants who received a certificate of attendance or an certificate of completion. These employers were also more likely to consider hiring applicants who had received an occupational diploma, a special diploma for students with special needs which indicated specific occupational training, than they were to hire those who had received certificates of attendance or those who had received a GED. Above all, the employers in this study were most likely to hire applicants who received a high school standard diploma. The research by Hartwig and Sitlington showed that although employers may claim that they do not place a great deal of faith in high school diplomas, they recognize and respond to different educational distinctions among job applicants. Although not designated as such, these academic distinctions – the certificate of attendance, the occupational diploma, and the standard diploma – functioned as a graduated diploma system, with each category indicating a different degree of educational achievement. These employers indicated that they used this information when making hiring decisions. Colleges face similar difficulties when trying to predict which high school graduates will be adequately prepared when they arrive at the university. Standard high school diplomas make no distinction between students who perform poorly and students who exceed their schools’ academic expectations. Consequently, although all college freshmen have a high school diploma or a GED, 30 percent of first year students in 2- and 4-year institutions lack the necessary basic skills and are required to take remedial courses in math, writing, and reading (Cohen 22). Graduated diplomas may not reduce the need for remedial classes for high school graduates; however, graduated diplomas would provide another indication of the type of curriculum that the student studied and the level of success that the student experienced. Colleges could be better prepared to meet the needs of lower-achieving students and to provide greater challenges for students who had already experienced academic success. In addition to providing a way to recognize the accomplishment of high-achieving students, graduated diplomas may also provide a safety net for students who are at risk of dropping out. The standard diploma, with its set requirements for credits, is an all or nothing proposition. Students who do not meet these requirements have nothing to show for their efforts. A graduated plan would provide an alternative that could eliminate some of these obstacles to graduation so they may obtain enough education to find a job or go to a two-year college (Viadero 12). This obviously helps students. Keeping students in school through an alternative diploma program could also help schools meet the attendance requirements of No Child Left Behind, the federal education law (Shannon and Bylsma). Care must be taken, however, to ensure that alternative diplomas do not become an alternative to a receiving a diploma. Erickson, Kleinhammer-Tramill, and Thurlow found that alternative exit strategies such as certificates of attendance and other alternatives to diplomas resulted in fewer special education students completing the requirements for a diploma. Conclusion Graduated diplomas reduce the uncertainty about what the student has actually learned and the level of proficiency he or she has achieved. For high-achieving students, the graduated diploma provides a certification of a higher level curriculum and greater academic accomplishment. Students who have special education requirements or who might otherwise drop out of school benefit from having the opportunity to receive a legitimate diploma that recognizes their efforts. In short, graduated diplomas provide benefits for students, for schools, for colleges, and for employers. States that have not done so should implement graduated diplomas. Works Cited

пятница, 27 сентября 2019 г.

Lab report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Lab report - Essay Example ich is less than the static force needed to cause the block to move hence the value of Static friction coefficient is 0.04 while the value of Kinetic friction coefficient is 0.14. A hanging mass without any weight attached to the pulley shows no motion of the box. With gradual addition of weight on the hanging mass, the box begins to move hence overcoming static friction force. The force at which the box begins to move represents the static force since it is the force causing the box just to move. During motion, the frictional force attained helps maintain the box in motion as it also increases proportionally with increase in the hanging mass until the motion gains a constant rate. The static coefficient of friction is as a result of the required force to cause an object to start moving. As soon as the object starts to slide at a constant rate, coefficient of kinetic friction is then the required force to retain the object in motion (Matolyak and Ajawad 35-37). In this set up, the factor of gravitational force causing the object to just set motion is the same as the resistive force that keeps the object at rest. This is then the static friction force. Increase of the inclination angle decreases the gravitational force acting on the box. An inclination of 10 degrees overcomes the resistive force causing the box just to move and a further inclination of 9.2 degrees keeps the box in motion hence providing for the kinetic friction force. Actual coefficient of static friction of wood is 0.25-0.5 and coefficient of kinetic friction of wood is 0.2. Out of the three method used, method 2 was the most precise since coefficient of static friction 0.349 lies averagely within the actual range and its coefficient of kinetic friction 0.232 is closer to the actual range values. Sources of error in this experiment include: Logical error due to the swaying of the pulley hanging masses which causes the box to gain motion before reaching the actual kinetic friction. There is no

четверг, 26 сентября 2019 г.

Enterprise Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterprise Systems - Essay Example Examples of enterprise systems are email systems, project management systems and other productivity monitoring tools that would include workflow systems and accounting systems. Enterprise Systems in general are implemented to save on cost of implementation and maintenance. It is also adopted to ensure that independent island systems are prevented from proliferating in a large corporation intending to have a homogenous system that would cater to the needs of every employee of the company. Enterprise systems can also have modules that are exclusively used by certain departments or sections if not divisions within a company. Enterprise Systems Enterprise Systems are software specifically designed to address if not provide enterprise or corporate solutions to business challenges that would include productivity, timely reporting, and accurate reporting (Giachetti, 2010). Software applications are essential business tools that enable companies to gather data at the front end for processing or posting and converted into reports as part of the decision support systems. However, there are instances that needs for output and productivity are overtaken by exigency at the expense of accuracy. Such instances breed island systems that are difficult to dismantle and most of the time has incompatible output format to other systems. To illustrate: an accounting systems that only display its output on the screen and not dump into a file is considered an island system that has an incompatible output with other reporting system. Making use of the output of an island system in order for it to be usable by other systems could require additional steps that could make the whole process cumbersome and may result to lost time if not inaccurate data. Enterprise Systems normally have a common repository of data that can be the primary source of reports and inputs to other systems. An example of these types of system is the Enterprise Resource Planning software that would include accountin g modules, productivity monitoring modules and reporting packages. The reporting package for its part makes use of the common data created and updated by front end modules to create reports that would assist decision makers in making business decisions. Aside from the benefits described above another value that can be considered essential for large organization is the reduced cost of implementation and maintenance of an enterprise system since it is more cost effective. It should be noted that each island systems require several experts or skill set that would include operating system and systems administration expertise from where the island system is installed at or in, whereas an enterprise system would only require a single set of skills systems group (Maier, Hadrich, & Peinl, 2005). Considering that each island systems normally needs its own set of servers, whereas an enterprise solution will only require a single platform the cost of ownership is reduced drastically. The same is true if the infrastructure requirement of the island system includes its own user terminal which will result for each employee having several terminals on his or her desk or one terminal for every island systems. The cost of licensing island system is normally more expensive since the technology used is either proprietary or can only be used by software developed by the company that owns the licensing rights of the island system. Another value for the organization is the elimination of conversion or data scrubbing that will increase productivity for employees creating the reports. Since there will be little to no human intervention in the generation of reports including

Module 5 case assignment Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Module 5 case assignment - Coursework Example This paper aims at analyzing the feedback loops and organizational learning opportunities for the Whole Foods, an American based foods supermarkets chain. As noted earlier, reinforcing feedback loop makes an organization to acquire significant growth thus putting at bay its rivals in the market while at the same time enjoying product diversification. Additionally, reinforcing loop takes place when an original change is reinvested to further bring about change in the future (Bellinger, 2004). One of the notable aspects of the reinforcing loop is that they create a momentum. In this way, they ensure that activities within the firm are kept in motion thus ensuring there are limited delays and the consumers can get their brands on a regular basis. In their efforts to satisfy the needs of the customers, firms use the feedback from their consumers to improve the quality of their brands. Given the need to attract more customers, Whole Foods Market is focused at establishing new lower cost store as a way of serving the younger perennial shoppers. According to the management, once the new store is launched, and extensive promotion is undertake n, more potential consumers will encounter fresh foods, which will be the major products in the store. Through the word of mouth marketing, more Whole Foods adopters will ultimately emerge in the future. Another example of a reinforcing feedback loop that is applied by Whole Foods Market is based on the high US population. As the population is high, more children will be born who are potential consumers. Once they become adults, these children will also bear children. This implies that the demand for the supermarket products will continue to expand. On its part, the balancing feedback loop, which entails circles of cause and effect, has the objective of countering a change that includes a push in the opposite direction. As the push is made harder, the system on its part pushes back resulting to the

среда, 25 сентября 2019 г.

Would legalize Medical Marjuana help the ecomony in New York Research Paper

Would legalize Medical Marjuana help the ecomony in New York - Research Paper Example Much of the current debate on whether to legalize marijuana is based on its medicinal properties. Once this is accepted (that it is indeed medicinal), the debate shifts to the possible abuses for which it is used by some people, particularly the fear of getting addicted to it just like nicotine. However, much of the controversy stems from the wrong notions of what marijuana is and is not. For one, people mistakenly think it can cause accidental deaths due to smoking or ingesting the seeds. But no one had died of an overdose from marijuana use. Advocates claim smoking it does not cause any serious side effects, unlike alcohol or tobacco. Marijuana does not cause liver damage, cancer, heart disease, birth defects or emphysema. All it can do is to induce lethargy, short-term memory loss, mild hypotension (low blood pressure), ataxia (walk or gait that is staggering), light headedness and a temporary loss of concentration. Marijuana is the third most-consumed drug in the world (after alc ohol and tobacco). It is therefore very timely to review the possible legalization of marijuana as a major source of new revenues, similar to the so-called sin taxes imposed on alcohol and cigarettes. This short paper examines the possible ramifications of legalizing marijuana for medical use since it has been proven to cure a number of ailments but without any serious side effects. Discussion Several states have already legalized the medical use of marijuana, among them New Jersey, Arizona and Washington, DC (passed their laws only last year). There are now a total of 16 states which had legalized marijuana but they had imposed restrictions on its use such as requiring registry ID cards before allowing a purchase. Moreover, these states already derive a substantial amount in taxes which they collect based on the number of usable ounces or on the number of mature and immature plants a person is allowed to plant and raise in his place. The growing consensus is now to allow marijuana use because most of the claims against its use are often grossly exaggerated, sensationalized and found to have no basis by research. With this in mind, the focus of this proposed research paper will be on the economic benefits that the state of New York can potentially derive from the legalization of marijuana. It will not discuss the pros and cons of whether people will abuse it once it is legalized but more on what the potential economic benefits will be to the state coffers of New York. New revenue streams, like the sin taxes imposed on alcohol and tobacco consumption, will prevent raising new taxes or increasing existing taxes. As an aside, it is quite surprising that tobacco is legal although it is confirmed to be very addictive due to the nicotine content in it while marijuana is illegal but has no addictive qualities. New York state is contemplating new budget cuts. Research Variables This section discusses some of the variables that will be tackled during the research. It w ill delve more into the economic variables to quantify the research problem and also give a good feedback on the success of the proposed solution (legalization of marijuana). Moreover, the focus will also deal with the operational concerns once legalization is achieved (assumed). The later portions of this paper will likewise explore the possible research questions, a brief time-line for completion of this project and the major topics of the main data sources. Potential Market Demographics –

вторник, 24 сентября 2019 г.

Pediatric Palliative Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pediatric Palliative Care - Essay Example From that point of view, implementation of pediatric palliative care would need to involve palliative care networks and all children's services (Carroll et al., 2007). The key feature of pediatric palliative care is involvement of the adults, in many cases who are parents. The right for families to have their views heard is of prime importance. This right extends to research, and the research should incorporate an adequate representation of the reality of lived experiences of both the children and their caregivers. Small-scale research findings on their own are unlikely to play a crucial role in policy-making or provision. It has been expected that the impact of the evidence may gradually enter into the thinking of policymakers and practitioners (Rallison and Moules, 2004). Palliative care nursing that support the life-limited children and their families must draw on the findings from the relevant recent research. In this assignment, the palliative care nursing and its role will be d escribed followed by an examination of best practices as evidenced in recent literature. Palliative care services have rich opportunities to support children and their families through living out their stated ethos in practice. Pediatric palliative care with its broad approach to symptom management, psychosocial, spiritual, and practical care has the potential to help enormously in the care and relief of suffering of these children and their families, particularly as it is relatively inexpensive. In other words, pediatric palliative care embraces a philosophy that attends to the psychological, physical, spiritual and social needs of the child and their family (Maunder, 2006). This care has been described as a concept where there is a shift of emphasis from conventional care that focuses on quantity of life towards a commitment to care which enhances quality of life. It has been recommended that palliative care should be an integral part of clinical practice, available to all child patients. Such a philosophy presents a major challenge both clinically and culturally, dem anding that all providers including nurses work together to ensure seamless care that will meet the needs of medically vulnerable young people and their families (Powaski, 2006). Increasing numbers of very sick children are surviving as a result of advances in medicine and nursing. Many children die in a year as a result of progressive conditions needing palliative care. Some have a life-limiting condition with some palliative care needs, for half of whom the needs will be substantial. Evidence suggests that while some undergraduate medical and nursing educational programs provide a general overview of palliative care, they often include only a brief review of the pediatric specialty. A model for structured reflection on palliative care nursing has been described that focused on exploration of the challenges of palliative care nursing. The model was based on 6 types of knowledge or ways of knowing, scientific, personal, socio-political, spiritual, ethical, and aesthetic. The model required nurses to reflect on the aims of the professional interactions, and the sources of the knowledge used for specific types of practice in palliation. It also included questio ns focused on whether actions were consistent with beliefs of patient autonomy, promotion of quality of life, compassionate care, family involvement, and symptom control (Souter,

понедельник, 23 сентября 2019 г.

Public Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Relation - Essay Example is severely criticized of poor service or of that case on controversial mobile phone hacking ,admittedly done by News of the World against murdered schoolgirls and those families of terror victims in London, which led its closure after 168 years of business operation and serving about 7.5 million readers (Adam, 2011). 1. What has caused British public opinion to turn against Rupert Murdoch’s News International in such a spectacular fashion and how effective do you consider the company’s efforts at managing the crisis have been? Give reasons for your answer. What are the key lessons of this case for business in general? 2. According to Damian Carrington (2011), gaining public support is the key to successfully introduce novel technologies such as nuclear power and genetically modified food. Do you agree? Why or why not? What role should public relations play in this regard, bearing in mind the observation of George Monbiot (2011) that public distrust of corporations is partly due to perceptions of ‘industry spin’? 3. What light does the story of vodafail.com shed on public relations in the new era of social media? How can companies protect their reputations in the digital age? (Grunig and Hunt 1984) would be most appropriate to building public trust in new technologies. Opinions that are publicized or broadcasted can powerfully affect trade, public policy, and social relations. It can destroy or can reconstruct, depending on the ideation, framework, ideological influences, experiences, level of education, social precept, norms, needs, emotional causes, including idiosyncrasies. Human beings, considered as social animals, have their respective value-orientation, needs, emotions, abilities and personalities. Value-orientation refers to how a person attributes some importance to a subject or object of opinion. The latitude of discussion of an issue is widespread depending on the number of persons, stakeholders or persons that would be affected.

воскресенье, 22 сентября 2019 г.

Progressive Era Essay Example for Free

Progressive Era Essay The progressive era was a thirty-year period in which the United States was completely reformed. Actions were taken to improve working conditions for laborers and women. President Roosevelt and Wilson were both reformers for the rights and voice of the people. Theodore Roosevelt used his presidency to put regulations of businesses and make sure the government is still higher than corporations. Individual Reformers and the government in the progressive era went through a great deal to bring about change in the united states, with teddy Roosevelt’s trust-busting and political reform, improvement of laborers and goods, and the restrictions of child labor and women rights. Teddy Roosevelt became known as the great trustbuster. He didn’t get this name for no reason. Roosevelt could identify which trusts were good and which were bad. He could determine which trusts helped the people and which ones hurt them. Roosevelt would hunt down the bad trusts and take them down. He would destroy the bad trusts and restrain the good trusts from becoming bad trusts. Roosevelt believed that the government should police the corporations of America. (A). He took the Sherman Anti-trust act and enforced it so that companies could price their products and make sure not one company could not take control of the market. He did this by creating the Clayton anti-trust act to keep regulations on anti-competiveness. (E) Roosevelt also believed in changing the ways that politicians were elected. Senators in particular were being corrupted because officials were appointing them. He believed that the US senate was just a club basically for high privileged people. This lead to the passage of the seventeenth amendment which said that direct election of senators was to be the new way of choosing who would be in the US Senate. (D) This amendment got the people involved even more with politics and gave them more of a say in government. Politically the government was reformed with the US senate, and the trust busting and making sure that the government was a police force to big corporations. Laborers in the progressive era had it rough. They were not treated with respect, or the consideration that they deserve. The goods that were produced were not of quality and contained harmful hazardous materials. Upton Sinclair was a muckraker who wrote The Jungle, a book about the horribleness of the meatpacking industry. The meatpacking industry was a brutal and unsanitary way of life. The people who worked in the industry were subjected to disease such as tuberculosis and terrible working conditions. The workers were ignorant of the relationship of disease and cleanliness. They didn’t understand that a working condition should be clean and not filled with disease. A lot of the workers had tuberculosis while they worked, and it would get in the meat that they work with, which provided for unsafe meat for people to eat. (B) In other businesses it was just the same. Labors were never treated fairly. Up until recently laborers were not even allowed to go on strike. The government was not helping people; they were staying out of business affairs. Up until the age of reform, and the progressive era. The government was then trying to help out laborers and give them rights. Child laborers and women’s rights were also two big things that came up during the progressive era. Children were expected to work alongside grown men. They were subjected to the same harsh conditions as the adults. Children were not able to be educated because they had to work in the factories. A lot of children only went to school for a short time. The educators acted as if the industrial work was good for children. So children had to go through terrible disease ridden conditions of work. C) The children were not helped by the case of Hammer vs. Dagenhart which ruled that child labor is not a government problem; it is to be judged by the state legislatures. Even some parents felt like it was their kids duty to work, and that the children should work. (G) Eventually however the children were set free from the bondage of labor. But women were still subjected to discrimination. Women at this time didn’t have very many rights. Women want to be treated equally and to have a say in government. Women suffrage was big at this time. They felt like they could not do anything with the life that they had. So they pushed for reform, which was not happening at this time. It was unusual since the progressive era was a big reforming time. (H) The progressive era was a time of great change for the US. It came in the political with the trust busting and the senate voting, it came in the improvement of laborers, and it came in the way child laborers were treated and the women movement. The progressive era was big and it made people really understand what the US was all about.

суббота, 21 сентября 2019 г.

Current ethical issue of abortion

Current ethical issue of abortion Abortion in relation to Natural Moral Law and Utilitarian Ethics Aran Cauchi The current ethical issue of abortion is a broad and complex ethical issue which can be approached from many moral and ethical directions. Two such directions can be the deontological Natural Moral Law and the teleological or consequentialist Utilitarian ethics. Abortion, from the Latin aborior, to pass away, is an induced termination of a pregnancy. Historically, as today, an abortion is the focal point of much controversy. The laws governing abortion have changed considerably in the last fifty years to accommodate abortion as an option for a pregnant woman. A landmark US case giving a mother right to wilful abortion occurred in 1973 set in motion by a woman called Jane Roe in Dallas, Texas. Roe wished to terminate her pregnancy, but in Texas at the time, only victims of rape or incest could procure a legal abortion. The case reached the Supreme Court where the judges ruled that abortion was a constitutional right to women, overturning laws in every state which denied abortion to women through medically qualified doctors. Abortion is now legally allowed in many western countries for women. Since the legality of abortions came into effect, much debate has occurred from opposite so called pro-choice and pro-life groups, gathering many argumen ts from both deontological and teleological ethics. Utilitarianismis the idea that themoral worthof an action is determined solely by its contribution to overallutility: that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed among all people.[1] Utilitarianism places no emphasis on whether an action is right or wrong, right is only so once the pleasure has been decided to outweigh the pain in the circumstances resulting from the decision. Pleasure, in early Utilitarian thinking, was only concerned with the physical, e.g. being well fed. John Stuart Mill later argued that pleasure was also quantifiable in intellectual and spiritual terms. These higher pleasures he argued outweighed the lower pleasures. Mill proposed, for example being well fed, at the expense of a mans spirituality was a lesser pleasure, and in effect, not as right as a spiritually enlightened man who was hungry. The hungry man experiences higher pleasure, as spiritual enlightenment lasts significantly longer than the feeling of being well fed. Consequentialist Utilitarians would argue that abortion is an entirely neutral act. The consequences resulting from the abortion determine the rightness. A specific system of measuring the pleasure against pain can be utilised called Hedonic Calculus. Hedonic Calculus first proposed by Jeremy Bentham, measures pleasure/pain through eight categories: Certainty Duration Extent Intensity Remoteness Richness Purity[2] This calculus subjectively determines if the pain outweighs the pleasure in a scenario of a potential abortion. A mother may need an abortion to save her own life if it is in peril due to her pregnancy, she cannot afford to leave her children motherless. This scenario, shown through Hedonic Calculus allows abortion to be the right choice as 1. There is a high certainty the mother will die, 2. The duration of mourning for the family would be very long as would the duration of risk to her other children, 3. The pain and suffering for her surviving family would be very great and so on. A different scenario in which the mother seeks an abortion so she can go on a holiday would be morally wrong as from categories: 2. the pleasure of a child will last years compared to that of a comparatively short holiday, 4. The intensity of the pleasure of a child is much greater and higher significance as it is emotional and spiritual than a physical and emotional holiday. The taking of a life can be justified in Utilitarianism as there are no standing rules of what is right or wrong for a general scenario, i.e. abortion. Every circumstance is different and warrants a separate evaluation to determine the correct action. Natural law is a branch of deontological ethics, deon meaning duty in Latin. Natural lawor thelaw of natureis a theory that posits the existence of a law whose content is set bynatureand that therefore has validity everywhere.[3] These laws, created by God, are discernible to all peoples and are thought of as moral absolutes, natural moral law theory implies that wediscovermorality we do notinventit,'(J.P. Moreland, What Is Natural Moral Law). It is mans duty to be rational, and as God is rational too, it is rational that humans must love God. Thomas Aquinas, a figurehead for natural moral law proposed five primary precepts and other secondary precepts. The primary precepts proposed where: The continuation of the species through procreation The education of children The desire to live in society The worship of God The preservation of the self These precepts are considered in natural moral law to be the most basic aspirations of all humans. Aquinas believed that all humans wished to do good and follow the precepts but through ignorance to the Natural Moral Law, some could do wrong. Aquinas argued that good ethical decisions could be arrived at by reason alone. Humans have the power of deducing what is good and what is wrong through application of their conscience. Natural Law, being deontological, imposes inalienable rules that cannot be broken. Natural Law can be seen as order provided by nature which exists for a purpose. A common criticism of Utilitarianism would be the difficulty of its real world application. The theory of a decision may be morally sound, but the limitless unexpected permutations prevent proper ethical conduct from occurring once theory is put to practice. The Tribunal of the Holy Office, a catholic authority was once queried on the 4th of May, 1898 as to whether a foetus was allowed to be removed from its womb before natural course did so. The tribunal resolved that there was no exception to natural birth, even inducing premature labour with the intention of saving the babys life. However, if life saving surgery were to be performed on the mother, which would have consequences on the growing foetus, it should not be maintained that the fetal(sic)lifeis thereby directly attacked. Theevilis not made a means to obtain thegoodeffect; for this would be to doevilthatgoodmight come of it.'[4] This fulfils the Natural Law requirement of the act of being good as separate from the concept of doing good. To be morally correct, one must not embark on a course of action which is right purely to obtain an evil or vain end. The right must be to cause neutral or correct consequences. This certainty of rules and moral action allows the system of Natural Law to be an unquestionable authority if placed alongside Utilitarian ethics which are in permanent flux. The Catholic Church supports the notion of ensoulment, where at conception a foetus is given a soul by God. A soul is viewed as a separate form to the physical body, but is linked inextricably until death. The act of abortion goes against the first precept of Natural Law, denying the continuation of the species through abortion. Even if that abortion would lead to saving a life, the authority to kill a foetus does not rest in humans hands. It is inhumane to end the life of a baby, as natural law theory holds;one may never directly intend to kill an innocent human being[5]. After conception, Natural Law argues that the foetus is human so is equal in right to life as its mother. There is no greater worth placed on the mother living than the child as both are considered equal. Utilitarianism would argue against the inflexibility of the rules of Natural Law regarding to the preservation of a childs life. Utilitarians would argue that greater suffering may be caused by the preservation of a foetus life. The mother of the child may be a chronic drug addict, and the chances of the baby growing up disadvantaged are high. It could be argued that the mother may not be fit to care for a child and the child would suffer a hard life, through mal-parenting and possible separation from the mother in later years. A possible course of action would be a wilful abortion by the mother to prevent suffering of a child. The rigidity of Natural Law allows no exceptions to be made, even if the pleasure resulting from an abortion vastly outweighs the pain. This rigidity of laws could cause unnecessary harm to many people. Correct decision making can stem from both deontological and consequentialist ethics. While Natural Moral Law argues that the laws of nature are absolute, Utilitarianism argues that no laws constantly serve the greatest good, and only through flexibility can good be achieved. The primary precepts of Natural Law indicate clearly that abortion is wrong so far as the taking of an innocent life, and interrupting the natural result of procreation. Utilitarianism states that abortion, like all actions is an entirely neutral act until the consequences are evaluated. Both ethical systems allow an opportunity for an individual to formulate an understanding of, and ethically right decision on abortion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism http://tutor2u.net/blog/index.php/religious-studies/comments/abortion-and-ethical-theory/ Natural Law,International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01046b.htm http://www.lifeissues.net/writers/irv/irv_08natlaw.html

пятница, 20 сентября 2019 г.

The drug control policy of the United States Essay -- Criminology, Dru

The drug control policy of the United States has always been a subject of debate. From Prohibition in the early 1930’s to the current debate over the legalization of marijuana, drugs have always been near the top of the government’s agenda. Drug use affects every part of our society. It strains our economy, our healthcare, our criminal justice systems, and it endangers the futures of young people. In order to support a public health approach to drug control, the Obama administration has committed over $10 billion to drug education programs and support for expanding access to drug treatment for addicts (Office). The United States should commit more government resources to protect against illegal use of drugs by youths and provide help for recovering addicts. The current situation of drug control in the United States is imperfect and inadequate. Millions of men and women, both young and old, are affected by illicit drug use. It costs the United States about $6,123 every second because of drug use and its consequences (Office). Moreover, 90 percent of all adults with a substance use disorder started using under the age of 18 and half under the age of 15. Children who first smoke marijuana under the age of 14 are five times more likely to abuse drugs as adults than those who first use marijuana at age 18. Finally, the children of alcoholics are four times more likely to develop problems with alcohol (Prevent). Current legislation that has to do with the United States’ drug control policy is the Controlled Substances Act, which regulates the manufacture, importation, possession, use, and distribution of certain substances (Shannon). In 1966, Congress passed the Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act also known as the NARA. This legislati ... ...ww.csdp.org/cms/>. Gandey, Allison. â€Å"New National Drug Control Policy Includes More Prescription Monitoring.† Medscape Today. Web MD, 7 May 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2012. . Manchikanti, Laxmaiah. â€Å"National Drug Control Policy and Prescription Drug Abuse: Facts and Fallacies.† Pain Physician Journal 10 (May 2011): 399-424. Print. â€Å"Office of National Drug Control Policy.† The White House. USA, 1 Dec. 2011. Web. 8 Dec. 2011. . â€Å"Prevent.† The Partnership at Drugfree.org. The Partnership at Drugfree.org, 2011. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . Shannon, Elaine. â€Å"The War on Drugs: A Losing Battle.† Time.com. Time Magazine, 3 Dec. 2010. Web. 18 Dec. 2011. . Wyler, Liana. â€Å"International Drug Control Policy.† CRS Report for Congress (June 2008): 2-46. Print.

четверг, 19 сентября 2019 г.

Industrialization :: essays research papers

How far do the sources support the conclusion that, during the period 1780-1914, the economy and society of Britain was transformed, and with remarkably little conflict?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the period 1780-1914 Britain witnessed an industrial revolution that put it head and shoulders above other developing countries in Europe as well as the Americas. However, was this transformation the one Karl Marx had predicted, one of a series of steps towards the establishment of the Communist state? If this were true, then the period of 1780-1914 will show transformation with a series of revolutions and wide conflict between the social classes as the growth of the proletariat. However, the liberal view suggests that regardless of all the new innovations and advancements in industry and social structure, there will be little conflict, mostly of opinions only. So how revolutionary was the industrial revolution? This brings us to the subtext of the question, whether this transformation was more liberal or Marxist. Through analysis of the sources, this essay will argue the issue and come to judgement at the end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eric J. Svedenstierna, the author of Source 1 describes Manchester as a town at the forefront of the industrial revolution, mainly due to its cotton manufactures and spinning machines. His positive description of the city shows that not only is he impressed with the advancements evident, but is favourable towards the nature of that advancement and therefore can be inferred that his view of the situation was relatively sophisticated and calm. This therefore supports the belief that the transformation was with remarkably little conflict, a contradiction of the Marxist view. However, it can be argued that the revolution was not like the French political revolution in 1789 which took place suddenly, but was a process that took over 50 years. The source is dated at 1802, which was a period that saw relatively slow growth in comparison with the years 1815-1821, where the Corn Laws were introduced and a trade recession created unemployment, poverty and unrest. Marxist hi storians such as E.J Hobsbawm and Friedrich Engels will argue that it is at this point where revolutionary ideas grow among the workers. Yet Source 1 suggests that there was no conflict of any kind and therefore agrees with the conclusion. Source 2 also takes a more liberal approach in terms of the advancement in industry, describing the mills’ conditions as ‘exceedingly favourable’, and ‘toil is not very great nor is it incessant.

среда, 18 сентября 2019 г.

Guns in the home :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Statistics on the National Safe Kids Campaign Website reveals that â€Å"Americans possess nearly 200 million firearms, including 65 million handguns. Approximately one-third of families with children (representing more than 22 million children in 11 million homes) keep at least one gun in the home. Gun owners keep firearms in the home for hunting and recreation (60 percent) or for protection and crime prevention (40 percent)†. Although 40 percent seems to be on the minority, households with guns are at higher risk of homicide, and there are few beneficial effects of gun ownership; as a result, alternative methods for crime prevention and protection should be adopted.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most startling examples of these risks usually involve children. Children are very curious and will stop at nothing to discover new ideas. When they play, it is normal for them to move about and find bits and pieces around the house. This innocent, normal behavior becomes dangerous when children start finding guns hidden or lying around. A typical story was told by the Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization working together for nuclear disarmament, (PSR) when â€Å"three-year-old Billy Higgins sat in the corner of his parent’s bedroom, trembling and confused, a gun having just gone off in his hand. His 2 year old sister, Anne Marie, lay motionless on her back, a small hole in her chest. While playing with his sister, Billy had found his father’s loaded handgun in a bedroom drawer. The father, John Higgins, never dreamed his small children were capable of finding or using his gun. He was wrong. And his daughter died†. ( "Billy Higgins†) Obviously, John Higgins thought that he had his gun only accessible to himself, and even if his kids found it, they would not be able to shoot it. However, the National Safe Kids Campaign website shows that â€Å"Children as young as age 3 are strong enough to pull the trigger of many of the handguns available in the United States†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only are children at risk but also adults. A study by Arthur Kellerman shows that â€Å"the risk of homicide in the home is three times greater in households with guns.†(2) He implies that guns stored in the home are more often used to kill a familiar person than an intruder. Gun owners do not always know who they’re shooting when they pull the trigger, often the victim of this shooting is a family member.

вторник, 17 сентября 2019 г.

Effectiveness of Advertising Essay

DEFINITION: Advertising is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. MEANING: Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs, websites or text messages. CONCEPT: The word advertising is derived from the Latin word, â€Å"adverto† â€Å"ad† meaning towards and â€Å"verto† means to turn. Literally it means turning people’s attention to a particular or specific thing. Advertisements are sometimes spoken of as the nervous system of the business world. As nervous system is very important in human body so it is vital in business world. Advertising is multidimensional. It can be viewed as a form of communication, as a component of an economic system, and as a means of financing the mass media Different kinds of businesses use advertising to motivate different kinds of markets toward different kinds of responses ADVERTISING EFFECTIVENESS The main â€Å"actors† related to the effectiveness in the advertising activities are consumer, advertisement, product/service, medium, and environment. The advertising effectiveness can be studied from the different manifestations of these actors. * Consumers are audience of the advertisement and potential purchasers of the product or service. Many models of consumer behaviour have been developed to measure the advertising effectiveness. For example, in the attitude model in the effects of advertising on consumers can be described as a sequence of stages or steps that begins with an awareness of the existence of what is being advertised, through the knowledge on what the product or service has to offer, favourable attitudes, preference over all other possibilities, and the conviction that the purchase would be wise, and finally culminates in the actual purchase of the product or service. * Advertisement in a traditional sense can influence the consumer behaviour. In new media advertising on the Internet, the advertisement can be influenced by the consumer behaviour as well to manifest the effectiveness. For example, click through rates of banner advertising on the web can be used to measure its effectiveness. * Product/service represents the motivation of the advertising. Advertising is often used to try to increase sales of a product or the use of a service, to improve the firm’s â€Å"corporate image†: to persuade people that the company is benevolent and trustworthy, or to change people’s behaviour such as anti-smoking. So the advertising effectiveness can be also measured through the achievements of the motivation, such as the profit and the brand value. * Medium is the carrier of the advertising message. The principal media may be classified as newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, direct mail, Internet, outdoor and so on. The first criterion for effectiveness is that sufficient numbers of the target audience should get to see or hear the advertisement, which is mostly decided by the nature of the medium. 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY PREMIER HOME APPLIANCES wanted to know the effectiveness of their advertisement on their customers in order to improvise their advertising strategies. 1.3 PROBLEM DEFINITION To study the effectiveness of advertisement of premier home appliances 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY * To find the advertising effectiveness of premier home appliances * To evaluate the influence made by the advertisement on the customers purchase decision. * To find whether the advertisement has reached the customers. * To find which media impact made a huge impact. * To know whether advertisement creates brand identity among customers. * To know whether advertising creates awareness and belief about the product to customers. 1.5 HYPOTHESIS: Inspite of having an impressive advertisement they found it to be not convincing. 1.6 INDUSTRY PROFILE: Home Appliances are that without which a modern home is considered incomplete, especially in urban areas. We have become so used to some of the home appliances that it seems difficult to live without them. Indeed, they have made our life more comfortable and easier than ever. In metro cities and big towns, such household appliances are regarded as a boon, as they are instrumental in cutting down the time involved in most of the domestic chores. This is really a great help since people often find it difficult to keep a balance between professional obligation and household needs. HOMEAPPLIANCES PRODUCTS: Products such as microwave ovens, juicer- mixer- grinder, fully automatic washing machines, and frost- free refrigerators are the most popular category of home appliances. This is because they have made the work of housewives less tiresome and more enjoying. Most of the domestic appliances are useful in various kitchen related jobs and hence are termed as kitchen appliances. Gas stoves, toasters, microwave ovens, mixer & grinders, juicers & blenders, rotti makers, refrigerators, water purifiers are some of the most common kitchen appliances in India. Besides, there is a category of electronic products that have become an integral part of modern houses. These are air conditioners, fans, room coolers, room heaters, geysers, electrical irons etc. HOMEAPPLIANCES COMPANIES IN INDIA There are many Home Appliance companies in India like premier, pigieon, butterfly etc. Apart from them there are various international companies also that deal in domestic appliances. Some of these home appliances manufacturers are Samsung, LG, IFB, Whirlpool, and Kenmore etc. With the arrival of international brands in Indian market, the competition among rival companies has become stiff. Since, a majority of products are electrically operated; the focus is on such household appliances that are efficient in power consumption.| HOME APPLIANCES STORES Most of the leading home appliances manufacturers and companies have set up their exclusive retail outlets in important towns and cities of the country. Besides, there are local home appliances suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers spread throughout India. Apart from that Home Appliances stores and shops are located in every locality, which let you compare products of different companies before buying and also let you buy all kinds of home appliance products at one place. Some manufacturers also offer after sale service, and if needed, repair the damaged parts of your electronic products. So here you will find the sites of some of the leading Home Appliances manufacturers and suppliers 1.7 COMPANY PROFILE: Sivanesan CEO- Sivanesan Group of Companies â€Å"Sivanesan group of companies believes in bringing quality products to over customers, right from its inception. No wonder, we have internalized high standards of quality in over business functions. The results are there for everyone to see in the form of remarkable levels of â€Å"customer satisfaction† and â€Å"business trustworthiness†. â€Å"Quality isn’t something that can be argued in a brochure or promised to a client. It must be there in your product. If it isn’t there, the finest sales talk in the world can not act as a substitute. At Sivanesan group of companies we have always believed in quality of our products, of our workforce, of our processes, of our management and in every aspect of our business relationship. Quality, at Sivanesan group of companies, is never an accident; it is always a result of high intentions, sin care effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. The Sivanesan group is one of India’s largest and m ost respected business conglomerates in the home appliances sector. Premier the group well established brand founded in 1974 by Sivanesan, CEO of Sivanesan group of companies, since then the group has mentioned firm and impressive escalation. Today the group successfully manages as many as seven full-fledged manufacturing units above and beyond marketing and export divisions. The premier range of products is crowning almost the entire requirements of a modern kitchen. This can be seeing by the actually that we manufacture over 32 products under the premier brand tree. The most momentous being the vast reservoir of well trained, highly energized team of over 400 professionals and technicians. In addition to this premier’s R&D efforts persistently improve manufacturing methods to enhance the premium placed on its products. Moreover, they have invested valuable time and resource to bring their manufacturing practices in line with the most excellent in the world. This includes the installation of the most up-to-date machineries and processes. Premier pressure cookers come to your after years of research and development and offer the healthiest mode of cooking by conserving vital nutrients, vitamins and energy. Premier’s multiple facility system, built in to every one of its cookers, ensures increased safety and reliability in the long run. The aesthetic appeal of the streamlined exteriors and superior overall design help conservation of precious energy and time through quick, even heating. Underwriters laboratories inc (UL) is an independent not for profit organization, which in its 107-years-old history has dedicated itself to the cause of safety and quality service. UL is headquartered in the USA and has a network, which spans 89 countries across the globe offering manufactures, the world over unlimited access to the most lucrative markets. As per available estimate approximately 16 billion marks appeared from amongst 18,000 products in 1999 alone. UL certification symbolizes a commitment to continually offer saf er products to customers the world over. Premier cooker has now been accorded this prestigious certification for safety excellence on its cooker. A momentous occasion for the premier group and recognition for the safety standards it has been following for over three decades since its inception. The premier range of products covers almost the entire requirement of modern kitchen. With emphasis on quality, safety and product innovation, premier has been able to win the hearts of the Indian housewives and be reckoned as a leader in the kitchenware market. Today, premier manufactures over 32 products in 97 variations. Premier products are also exported to markets in Europe, west Asia, south east Asia, America, Australia, and Africa. Underwriters laboratories (UL) of USA and bureau of Indian standards (ISI) has certified premier’s automatic rice cookers and pressure cookers. Premiers attractive pressure cooker range include a wide verity of material and design options including Aluminum, HARD-ANODIZED, SS copper-bottom and SS sandwich bottom with unmatched durability, performance and style, the premier pressure cooker is quite truly the heart of any modern kitchen. Presented below are the different versions and models of the premier’s automatic rice cooker. Among other top selling range from premier are stainless steel copper bottom pressure cooker, mixi, multi-steamer, regular cookware and the LPG stove and many more. All that they are giving is to make cooking the comfortable, safe and economical for the housewives. Now to find out the ultimate safety symbol in kitchenware, look out for premier’s pressure cooker. In short, premier one of the premier brands in kitchen appliances, brings to its consumers cooking solutions that are not only considered â€Å"red-hot†. When it comes to standards related to product safety, there is the trust of lakes of premiers customer’s world over they have and the (UL) certification 1.8LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY * Time constraint was the biggest limitation. The project had to be completed within 2 months and hence the sample size had to be lesser. * One problem that every interviewer faces is the willingness of the customers in filling up the questionnaire. * Validity of information obtained from the respondents was a major drawback. 1.9 SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study is expected to identify whether it has reached the target audience and thus, can find the gap that is to be improvised. CHAPTER-II REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Weilbacher (1984), this ability to jumble all of what one knows about a product or a company together with selected elements from one’s life experience is the essence of Creativity in Advertising. The degree or level of Advertising C:reativity is definitely related to the Advertising Effectiveness. To assess the effectiveness of advertisements, there have been two streams of research (Jeong, 2004). One stream of research focuses on the psychological aspects of advertising impact and the other focuses on the sales and market response aspects of advertising effects. Neslin(2002) found that other variables like sales promotion can have a significant influence on the advertising and sales relationship and consider such variables responsible for inconsistent results in previous studies on the effectiveness of advertisements. The behavioral perspective of advertising effectiveness provides insight into the antecedents of consumer behavior like attitude, recall and brand choice. It, therefore, supersedes in importance than the market and sales response method of advertising this is also more important as it is more consistent with the marketing concept which focuses on the final consumer as a fundamental business philosophy (Ang,Lee & Leong, 2007). Consistent with such views, Lucas and Britt (1963 cited in KocabiyikoÄŸlu, 2004) stated quite earlier that the basic purpose of advertising is to provide information about the actual receivers of advertisements that are instrumental in the selection of appropriate advertising strategies. This ultimately improves the effectiveness of advertisement and hence will positively affect the market result. The behavioral perspective of advertising effectiveness concerns how people perceive, process, respond to, and use advertising information in making purchase decision about certain product or service (Jeong, 2004). Similarly, attitude as another measure of advertising effectiveness is important because it is related to how consumers evaluate the advertised products. A strong positive attitude towards a product means that the person may buy the brand in future (Wells etal., 2003). As Mitchell and Olson (1981) state that as attitudes are relatively stable and enduring predispositions to behave, they should be useful predictors of consumers ’behavior towards a product or service. Gresham and Shimp (1985) consider attitude as an attempt to influence consumers’ choice. Advertising recall is a memorability test that determines how viewers remember something specific about the advertisement and the brand (Wells et al., 2003). Recall can be aided as well as unaided (Till & Baack, 2005). CHAPTER-III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. It is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge. According to Clifford woody, â€Å"research comprises of defining and redefining problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypothesis† In other words, research methodology is simply the plan of action for a research which explains in detail how data is to be collected, analyzed and interpreted RESEARCH DESIGN: The study is descriptive in nature. Data were collected through questionnaire and processed. Analyzing using various statistical tools like tabulation percentage and relationship chart. TOOLS USED: To analyses and to arrive at a conclusion as to how the professional view has changed the environment suitable statistical techniques are to be employed. The research has been done by using following tools. Percentage, Tabulation, Pie chart, Bar chart No. of respondents Percentage = ——————————- x 100 Sample size PERIOD OF SURVEY: The duration of the study has been for the two months. SAMPLE SIZE : For these study 60 consumers where taken as the sample size to collect the detailed data DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 1.Primary data 2.Secondary data The techniques that was used by the researcher for collecting primary data was the questionnaire method. The researcher has used the structure form of the questionnaire with the close us open-end question. The researcher has collected primary data from the respondents and secondary data from post research. Face to face method secondary data was also adopted to have additional information. QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire is a special practice to prepare a schedule of questions or a questionnaire for interviewing a person. As such, the set of questions prepared are of two types: A set of questions prepared by the interviewer and is asked by the interviewer during an interview is the first kind. It is a set of questions administered by the interviwer in interview. A set of questions prepared by the interviewer and is given to the person being interviewed and filled in by the interviwee: the person giving interview. In either case, data can be gathered and then analyzed. The two are being used in geography, especially in field work research. There is a kind as well. Some researchers have prepared such schedules of questions of questionnaires , evaluated them and then standardized them as well.

понедельник, 16 сентября 2019 г.

What Can I Do to Make This Country a Better Place to Live in?

As A National Discipline Awardee, What Can I Do To Make This Country A Better Place To Live In? Is our country still a better place to live in? If we will to analyze the situations now, there were many incidents that took place in our country. Our country suffers from addictions, poverty, corruption, injustices, murders, prostitutions, terrorism, environmental abuses and others. Amidst the perceived problems, we are still optimistic for our country. We still hope for the best.I am very fortunate to be one of the nominees for the National Discipline Award. I am accepting the challenges to be a model for everyone, to be courageous and faithful to the teachings of God. I still believed that there is always sunshine after the rain. I want to be the bearers of truth and light to my fellow Louiseans. To make our country a better place to live in is hard for a teenager like me. But I can in my simple ways like encouraging my fellow youth to be cooperative, to be generous in sharing their ta lents, time and possessions.I will also be responsible with my duties, being a good steward of God's creation and I will inspire others to value education and encourage them to help their neighbors. I think and I truly believe that: â€Å"A journey of a thousand mile must begin with a single step. † Let's join hands to make our country a better place to live in. If everyone joins in a simple act, big wonders can happen! And more so, Philippines would be a better place to live in. Now, therefore, before we can change the world, it will begin first with our innermost being. Rachelle Marian B. Barrios

воскресенье, 15 сентября 2019 г.

Double consciousness

W. E. B Du Bois’ â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk† is a powerful and engaging explication on the condition of the â€Å"American Negro. † The article traces the problems of African American’s struggle with identity in white-based America and the seemingly impossible task to carving a unique identity and self-consciousness. It is, as he notes, â€Å"a history of this strife, – this longing to attain self- conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. † Introduced in this line is the concept of a â€Å"double consciousness.† Du Bois believes that being ‘black’ has been both a blessing and a curse since one was â€Å"born with a veil† but also â€Å"gifted with second-sight. † The world does not award the Negro a â€Å"true self-consciousness† for his sense of self is always reflection of how others see him; a refracted image of oneself that has been dictated and distorted by othe rs with â€Å"amused contempt and pity. † An American Negro therefore feels a sense of duality with â€Å"two warring ideals in one dark body. †Yet the task to transcend that â€Å"double consciousness† and find union between two dualities is a difficult one for it is a painful journey of doubt and confusion in seeking â€Å"double aims† and â€Å"unreconciled ideals. † The American Negro needs to speak the language of the whites and accept their culture yet not be ashamed of his own. He must yet recognise that in order for there to be an emancipated future, the American Negro needs the knowledge of the white world which was â€Å"Greek to his own flesh and blood† and for a culture he rightly belongs, â€Å"he could not articulate the message.† Martin Luther King Jr. , arguably the most renowned of African Americans, is perhaps an apt example of the double consciousness and the struggle of the American Negro Du Bois writes of. In his desire to advance the rights of African Americans, end racial segregation and discrimination, King needed to speak the language of the white person and ironically share the ideals of liberty and freedom advanced by white Anglo-Saxon society. Yet King saw that it was necessary â€Å"in the name of this the land of their fathers’ fathers, and in the name of human opportunity. †